Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Nets Rubric Assignment

Lesson Title: Lets Learn how to Graph!!                                           
Grade level: 2nd grade
Subject: Math
Lesson #: 1
Common Core State Standards:
v  2.M.D.10-Draw a picture graph and a bar graph (with single-unit scale) to represent a data set with up to four categories. Solve simple put-together, take-apart, and compare problems1-using information presented in a bar graph.

GLE: 1.1.1 Generate ideas and create original works for personal and group expression using a variety of digital tools.
v  Create a class graph or survey about student interest
v  Share an answer to a math problem using an interactive whiteboard or tablet
v  Sort and classify various items using a document camera or an interactive whiteboard as a class.
Learning outcome:/ Evidence of leaning
v  Students will be able to sort, gather and organize data, graph results and answer questions about the graph.
v  Students will be able to organize ideas and produce digital products with assistance.

Time:  40 -45 minutes

 Instructional Materials/ Resources:

v  Graph paper (inch grid)
v  Large chart tablet
v  I can statements on sentence strips
v  Data charts of information previously collected
v  Math journals
v  Exit ticket worksheets
v  Vocabulary word cards

Necessary Equipment:
v  Chart paper
v  Markers
v  Small index cards/post –it notes
v  Crayons
v  Glue

Technology :
v  Computer
v  Graph site  (Kids Zone learning with NCES)
v  Doc camera
 Student Friendly Language Learning Objective:
v  I can create a make a picture. bar, line graph with up to four categories to represent data.
v  I can transfer data from a table to a picture graph.
v  I can create a data set.
v  I can use data to create a table.
v  I can create problems and solve problems using the information from the graph.
v  I can compare data in a picture graph.

Learning Objective:
1.      Students will be able to create a picture or bar, line, or picture graph with up to four categories to represent data.
2.      Students will be able to transfer data from a table to a picture graph
3.      Students will be able to create a data set.
4.      Students will be able to use data to create a table.
5.      Students will be able to create problems and solve problems using the information from the graph.
6.      Students will be able to compare data in a picture graph.

v  Graph
v  Label
v  Title
v  Survey
v  Headings
v  Picture graph
v  Tally marks
Language – Sensitive Modifications:
1.      The teacher will read the directions in Spanish to her ELL students.
2.      The Teacher will ask if any of the students’ needed more clarification or have any questions.
3.      Provide big font worksheets for students that have a visual processing.
4.      The teacher will provide written directions on the white board and doc camera.
5.      The teacher will read directions to the class aloud.
6.      Students will be paired or grouped for support during discussion. Some may require assistance from the teacher or more cable peers during this time.

Before the lesson:

  1. The teacher will begin the lesson by displaying and introducing the “I can” statements on the board. Then read them out loud and have students repeat it with you out loud the “I can” statements.
2.     The teacher will lead a discussion of the graph. Students will then demonstrate familiarity and knowledge of graphs.  Where they have seen one, or if they have ever made one before. If they know the different types of graphs.
3.     Pre- assess prior knowledge of the subject of graphs. Then the teacher will introduce the vocabulary word and also the definitions of words.
4.     Then have students will repeat the words and locate the definitions to reinforce new vocabulary.
5.     Pass out the definitions and ask the students to match the words with the definitions. By using the doc. camera or overhead projector that will allow students to come up to the front of the class and put up the definition next to the correct word.
6.     Then after the whole class has participated in matching the definitions with the correct word, have students take out their math journal out and write down the vocabulary word and the definitions. This will help students for a future reference.

Lesson Procedures:

1.     After students have finished written down the vocabulary words and definitions down in their math journal. Have all students put away their math journal.  Being the lesson by telling students that they are going to take a survey, and collect data and make a graph to show data. Then being the lesson by asking questions, the first question is
a.        What type of shoes are you wearing? 
2.     Have each student remove one shoe and place it on the floor next to the floor graph that has been label; boots, slip ones, tennis shoe, flip flops, etc.  Then discuss and count the individual data. After whole group activity, and shoes are back on the correct feet. Then the teacher will model taking the data and creating a table with tally marks.
3.     While creating the table and graph, discuss the vocabulary words.
4.     Then the teacher will demonstrate taking data and creating a picture graph with graph paper provided.  Then also have students also create their own picture graph by following you.
5.     Then have all students conduct a survey by placing a post-it note on large poster to answer the next question, “What is you favorite Holiday?”
6.     Then have all students to come up to the board where the chart is located and then count how many Christmas, Easter, Halloween, Thanksgiving, etc. is their favorite holiday.
7.       Then have a small group go to the computer lab and create a bar, line, picture graph following the rubric to make sure they are following directions.
a.        After students are done creating their graph on the computer using the Kids Zone learning with NCES)
  8.  After students are done creating their own graph by using the computer website.  The teacher will have students fill out an exit ticket and write down what they have learned today in math class or while creating their graph based on the whole class favorite holiday.

1.     Each student will produce a graph on a graph paper and then they will produce this graph into the graph website for the finish product. They will need to label correctly from the data obtained to answer specific question.
2.      Students will write in their math journal the vocabulary words and their definitions.
3.     Exit ticket at the end write down one thing they have learned today in math class and one thing they still want to learn or feel they need help with and how they feel about the lesson.