Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Web query Math Lesson

Introduction :

 After we have been looking into solving addition and subtracting word problems.Now, your math mission is going to be a math detective trying to save your teacher from the dangerous math-problems monsters. It has come to your teachers attention that she needs to solve and find their hidden answers. But theirs a problem, your teacher has been having trouble fighting the dangerous math problem monsters on her own . So she needs your help as soon as possible !! So hurry!! Rescue your teacher by helping her solve these dangers math problems monsters. Be safe and lets find out the answers that the math problem monsters are hiding from your teacher. 
Don't give up  and may the force be with you!!!


Your job as a math detective is to create a poster, drawing, or map  by choosing two of the word problems that you want to help your teacher solve. You as a math detective will have the choice of creating a poster or a drawing  or  another form of presentation of your choice to show your teacher the steps you, as a detective, took to solve the math problem monster and get their hidden answer.  As a detective you will need to show me how you solved the problem by drawing pictures,words, numbers, or a map, ect. If you choose a poster to solve one problem then show your teacher how you solved the problem by using words,pictures, or a map.  Please don't use  the same method to solve both problems. If you choose to solve the first problem by using pictures, then solve the second problem  using a map.

Consider the following questions as you are in your mission to help your teacher get the hidden answers by solving the math problems monsters. 

These are the Math problem monsters:

1.) Araceli saved $ 20.00 dollars. Then her parents gave her$10.00 for washing her dads car. Araceli went to the shoe store and spent $ 5.00 on new shoe lances, and $12.00 on a new pair of shoes . How much money did Araceli  have left after going shopping and how much did she spend?

2.)  Erik needs 120 chocolate kisses to add to his batch of cupcake with. He has only 14 left over from he last batch and his friend Sam gave him 25 more chocolate kisses. How many more chocolate kisses does Erik need to buy to have  two chocolate kiss for each cupcake?

3.)Victoria  is saving up to buy a new pair of head phones that costs $ 19.95. In September she saved $10.00. In October she saved $5.00, How much money does Victoria need to save in November to buy  a new pair of headphones in December?

4.) Lucy has 150 marbles in a bag. she gave away 7 marbles to her brother, then lost 18 marbles in the park, and then lost 4 marbles at her grandmother's house in the garden while she was playing. How many marbles does Victory have in her bag now?

5.) Michael  found 3 softballs  and  he added them to his collection. He already had 19 softballs. Then he took 2 out to play at the park and lost 1 because it landed in the lake. Later that day he found 5 more baseballs at his grandparents garden . At the end how many baseball balls did Michael have all together ?

An example of what you can do with solving the math problems using words, numbers, pictures or by creating a map.

 Another Example 


To assists you in your mission to destroy the math-problem monsters, consider the following question as you solve through your assignment. Make sure you answer some of the questions ,but you should consider them as you create your presentation map, poster on how to you went through to solving the math problems you have chosen.

Is the poster/map/drawing easy to read ?

What draws your audience to the poster/drawing/map/ect.?

How can I use illustrations effectively?

Have you covered all the aspects of the grading rubric to earn full points?

Does it follow a procedure ?

Is it  colorful?

Did you check your answers before you wrote them down?

Did you read carefully each math problem?

What are you doing to stay organized ?

How is the presentation part going?

Have you decided how your going to present your problem answer?

Resources :

To help you be successful in your research for finding the answer for each of the math problem monsters. These links will help you to practice and to be prepare to accomplish your investigation.

Math Playground


Your drawing, poster, or  map will be graded according to the following score rubric. Be careful and make sure you read over  it and double- check your  work before presenting and turn in for grading after you are sure you have covered everything in the rubric.

    Math - Problem Solving : Presentation

    Teacher Name: Ms. Garcia

    Student Name:     ________________________________________

Mathematical Concepts
Explanation shows complete understanding of the mathematical concepts used to solve the problem(s).
Explanation shows substantial understanding of the mathematical concepts used to solve the problem(s).
Explanation shows some understanding of the mathematical concepts needed to solve the problem(s).
Explanation shows very limited understanding of the underlying concepts needed to solve the problem(s) OR is not written.
Explanation is detailed and clear.
Explanation is clear.
Explanation is a little difficult to understand, but includes critical components.
Explanation is difficult to understand and is missing several components OR was not included.
Typically, uses an efficient and effective strategy to solve the problem(s).
Typically, uses an effective strategy to solve the problem(s).
Sometimes uses an effective strategy to solve problems, but does not do it consistently.
Rarely uses an effective strategy to solve problems.
All problems are completed.
All but one of the problems are completed.
All but two of the problems are completed.
Several of the problems are not completed.
Neatness and Organization
The work is presented in a neat, clear, organized fashion that is easy to read.
The work is presented in a neat and organized fashion that is usually easy to read.
The work is presented in an organized fashion but may be hard to read at times.
The work appears sloppy and unorganized. It is hard to know what information goes together.


Congratulations!!!! you have accomplish your investigation as a math detective.  You have learned  how to solve word problems that involve subtraction and addition and also how to verify  your solutions  using words,numbers, pictures, maps, and other methods of explanation that you have chosen to help your teacher be able to solve the math problem monsters. As you have been working on solving the word problems monsters  you need to be able to explain why the solution is what it is and see the explanation methods in your future when solving any math problem.  Great job!! my math detectives you have helped you teacher know how to solve the problem math monsters.

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